The Story of Yuki Takamiya 鷹宮由貴編
Prologue プロローグ★
Yuki Takamiya transferred over to Sakura High School for an SIU mission. She started her own investigation after learning about the disappearance of her best friend, Natsuno Minami.
Suspisious Pills 怪しいクスリ★
While searching the old school building, Yuki Takamiya found Ryoko Shinonome watching some footage. A tearful Shinonome asked Takamiya to hide the projector before losing her memories.
A Fruitless Effort 無駄骨★
Girl With Red Glasses 赤眼鏡の女★
The remains from the incident in the girls’ bathroom pointed to Tomi Kisaragi as a possible suspect. However, a witness statement raised the possibility of there being two Kisaragis.
The Pilots' Mark 搭乗者の紋★
Through Detective Onishi, Yuki Takamiya found a lead on Natsuno Minami’s disappearance. She infiltrated a Shikishima facility, where she learned from Renya Gouto and the others that she’s also a Sentinel Pilot.
Man From the Future 未来から来た男
Ei Sekigahara activated the projector Yuki Takamiya hid in the old school building. Relying on the information from a robot called Miura, they headed for Sector 3.
A Conscious Criminal 意識だけの犯罪者
Erika Aiba’s true identity turned out to be an android that carried the consciousness of the criminal Juro Izumi. The android managed to break past Morimura and the others to escape from Yuki Takamiya.
Nat-chan なっちゃん
After figuring out Natsuno Minami’s whereabouts, Yuki Takamiya shot down all the androids and embraced Minami as they reunited.